Introduction to Black & White Photography
Presents fundamentals of camera operation and principles of visualization and composition. Emphasizes darkroom procedures, film processing, and selective printing techniques. Two class hours, two lab hours. Students must provide their own photographic supplies.
Subject Code: PHO
Course Number: 103
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 2
Lab Hours: 2
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate the proper use of manual cameras (aperture & shutter speed, ISO) to create properly exposed film.
2. Manipulate camera variables to accommodate a variety of photographic scenarios.
3. Use industry-standard vocabulary of photography as appropriate.
4. Identify historical contributions made by the masters of photography, 1839-present.
5. Apply scientific methods using darkroom chemicals to properly develop darkroom film and prints.
6. Produce quality enlargements from specific contact sheet negatives.
7. Visually identify and solve problems using darkroom print processes.
8. Analyze photographs utilizing critique strategies that develop logical arguments to form clear judgments of the artwork, include defining technical specifications, visual elements of design in composition and well-reasoned conclusions about conceptual narratives.
9. Clearly articulate visual stories expressing social and emotional perspectives in personal or peer photographs.
10. Create a portfolio of exhibition-quality prints.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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